Carbon brushes and brush holders
This specialized business unit of Casram provides numerous types of carbon brushes, such as brushes for industrial motors, midget carbon brushes for micromotors and electric tools, carbon sliders for trolley current collectors, forklifts, electric automobiles etc. Carbon brushes for earthing devices (ground return), carbon rolls for stepless regulating and slide transformers, sealing and piston carbon rings, carbons for pantograph collectors and auxiliary motors etc. We distinguish hard carbon grades, graphite grades, electrographite, metal graphite and silver graphite grades.
An integrated part of this business is the production of brush-holders for traction motors, auxiliary and industrial motors in the following versions: Single, double and triple brush-holders, single and double leg brush-holders, flange brush-holders, brush rockers, tubular brush-holders with caps or special springs, telescope brush-holders etc.
Trolley current collectors
Casram develops and produces different trolley current collectors. These engineered products are designed upon specific requirements of our customers. The range also includes the terminal section of the rod, mechanical parts, sliding shoes in bronze or other copper alloys, flexible connections and carbon sliders. These current collectors are compatible with all major systems present today on the market and can replace, without any modification, systems on existing vehicles. Customized versions can be designed to solve issues related to current collection, or upon customer’s requests.
Earthing Devices
Casram develops and produces different earthing systems, on the basis of the customer requirements, for train, metro light rail or tramway applications.
Our company has decades of experience in the development and production of such systems, in close collaboration with our customers in order to customize all features, from functions to the selection of materials. More technical details are available upon request.